Who Is Crystal Mason
I am Crystal Mason and welcome to my journey. In 2012 I became a felon for tax fraud. I acknowledged and accepted responsibility for my actions. I served my prison sentence and entered back into the world focusing on being a model citizen. I got a job (working in corporate America). I went to school during the evening while working in the community, encouraging others that 2nd chances do exist. My goal was and still is to educate the masses and encourage good decision making. I do not want to see another young woman or man wanted to make the same mistakes that I did.
Fast forward, November of 2016 the last day to vote my mom had been telling me repeatedly to go vote.
Now it is fact and on record that no one told me that I couldn’t vote. When I was released to the halfway house I was given a voter’s registration card. I had no idea I couldn’t vote. I didn’t realize that day by going to a voting location in my area would lead me to some life changing events. My name was not on the list, so as I was leaving a poll worker advised me that I could fill out a provisional ballot. So I did. I didn't know a whirlwind was about to begin. In January of 2017 I was notified to come to the supervised release office, which was odd because normally I communicate via email or text. I was arrested for illegally voting once there. I had no clue nor did I understand what was happening. I only had 10 months left on supervised release. My first thought was this is a mistake I put everything correct, I used my driver's license.
Inevitably, I was tried and sentence to 5 years imprisonment for illegally voting when in reality I cast a provisional ballot that never left its originally location, a ballot that was never counted. I'm currently out on an appeal bond still fighting for my Freedom.